Sunday, October 22, 2017


Hello? Is this thing on? Hello?

Oh, hey there! How are ya? Been a while, eh? Yeah, I know, I know. This time, though, I swear, I really will start....

Well, we're here now, anyway, so let's get to it!

We've been telling each other for, oh, let's say five years now, that we REALLY need to do something about the blackberry canes in the backyard. But due to one reason or another (worried about disturbing the bunnies, laziness, too many wasps, or a combination of all three), we've been putting it off and putting it off.

Until our backyard starting looking, well, jungley, and it was starting to get ridiculous. So we geared up, invited the Not-Those-Clarks-The-Other-Clarkes over to join in the "fun", and waded right in.

Choose your weapon!

It was somewhat difficult to really get a decent shot that showed the true extent of the infestation, so here are some more-or-less "before and after" pairs showing roughly the same spots in the yard.





And my personal favorite...


All in all, we cleared a metric shit-ton of blackberries, and really changed the entire look of the yard. This particular chore was long, long overdue. Of course, such a successful day did not come without cost...

The Injury Report

As it turned out, the machetes weren't the most effective tools in our aresenal. The best way to clear out the canes was to chop them off a foot or so above ground, and then get a firm grip on a few of them and just haul on them.

Well, I was deep in the jungle, doing exactly that. Unfortunately, somewhere in the mess of branches and blackberries that I was hauling on was a cane under tension. When the bunch I was hauling came free, the rogue blackberry came up and whapped me right in the eye. It felt just like that time I was pulling nails out of the flooring in the basement at the old house, and one of the nails came up and thumped me.

After the requisite swearing and squinting, the pain receded a fair bit, and I went back to work, thinking that I'd had a lucky escape - it would have been really nasty if a thorn had stabbed me, wouldn't it?!

We finished tidying up the piles of blackberry canes, figuring that we'd deal with actually getting them out of the back yard the following weekend and maybe even rent a chipper to make the job easier (which didn't happen, but it turned out that just cutting them up and taking them to the yard was easy enough). The Not-Those-Clarks-The-Other-Clarkes went off home to get cleaned up while I mowed the lawn, and then we all met back up for some well-deserved dinner....

Except my eye had REALLY started to hurt again. It was tearing up like mad, and I was getting sharp pains when I tried to focus or went into a brightly-lit room. Thinking that maybe the injury was worse than I had originally thought - or that I'd gotten something stuck in it, we sent our guests home (unfed, I'm sorry to say), and hied ourselves off to the clinic (which was closed, of course) and then to the emergency room.

(Nothing in that cupboard was for me, but I spent a good 30 minutes reading those signs and wondering what some of those things were for ...)

Turns out that the branch DID have a nice big thorn in it, and I'd done a tremendous job of puncturing my cornea. Yay me! It took a little over a week's worth of near-constant eye drops (four different kinds) and three trips to the eye doctor before it cleared up.

Pro tip: Even if they do make you look like a safety nerd, always wear your safety gogglers.