That's right: we're taking the next week off work to try and finish the downstairs bathroom. Painting the ceiling and walls, tiling the floor, installing the vanity and toilet, painting and installing the trim, fixing the electrical, and generally trying to make it awesome. It's an ambitious project, but the good news is that it won't take up every hour of every day - there's a fair amount of time we'll have to spend waiting for things to dry or set up, and that's time we can use to relax. Sorry, not relax. Heh, got my words mixed up. I meant to say: figure out how to make the damn sunroom weathertight for the next six months.
Hopefully, I can find at least a little time each day to post an update here on the blog. Yes, I'm actually going to try to make this a daily update, at least for the next week. And yes, I'm posting Day One's entry on Day Two. Nothing like getting starting when you're already behind.
On to Day One!
We actually spent most of yesterday driving around running errands and looking at gas fireplace inserts for the bear pit, but the War Department did manage to finish the drywall patches. What needed patching, you ask? Heh, these things:

Frank's idea of adding color to a bland little room, I suppose. (Heaven forbid he should actually PAINT something...) He had three or four of them stuck high up on the wall, and when we peeled them off, they took the top layer of paper off the drywall. What with that and the enormous hole I gouged in the side wall when I removed the old counter top, there was drywalling to be done.
Fortunately for us, the War Department is getting to be pretty damn good at mudding drywall (there's a skill you'll likely want to leave off the old resume lest you be asked to do some touch-ups around the office), and she had them fixed up in no time.
It's a tough bathroom to take pictures in, but I gave it a shot, and hopefully you can get a sense of the project's scale (and how much dust is generated by sanding a few small drywall patches.

We also wanted to replace the old fan, but given that it's really not that easy to get to the existing one, we might give cleaning it off a shot, and see if that makes it any quieter. You can probably see why I think that, given the fan's current condition, it really couldn't hurt:

Oh, and we also removed another candidate for worst light fixture:

Just... no.
Tune in tomorrow (or later today) for the next installment!
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