Or I would have, were it not for people constantly asking me when the next post was coming. (Still can't believe people actually read this nonsense, let alone wait expectantly for it.)
Of course, we HAVE been kinda busy...
What with the

and then the

and then the

Wait, what?
Yeah. That's somebody's idea of a joke or something. That, or the damn statues have started breeding.
Seriously, that just kind of appeared there one morning. I have no idea why or how, but if the deranged person responsible is reading this, STOP IT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
It's so not funny. NOT FUNNY.
Regular updates will resume shortly, just as soon as I can lick this damn cold.
Yay! You're back!
Seriously, you should be worried about the statue thing. If you're watching the latest reboot of Dr. Who there are killer statues. Now it appears that they are breeding in Broadmead. Be afraid!
Somebody left you a wedding present. Lovely. ;)
Yeah I wanna know which fixture was the ugliest!
And by the way, Congratulations again! :)
Ha ha ha ha ha... oh that's funny... I wish I'd thought of it...
I also wish that had been me.
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